Onlinebuff : Page 3 - Tutorials on C# Articles

There are 49 listed articles in C# Interview Questions

Understanding Switch Statement with the help of an example

In this article we have covered about switch statement in c-sharp using a real time example

What are structures? Differentiate between structures and classes

In this article we have covered two topics that is structures and classes and explaining differences with an example of memory consumption in windows form application

Understanding the concept of pass by value and pass by reference with an example?

In this article we will try to understand concept of passing parameters that is pass by value and pass by reference using an example in c#.

Sealed Classes in C# with an example and explanation

In this article we will discuss about sealed classes in c-sharp, why to apply sealed classes with a real world scenario.colleagues

Understanding the Relationships - Inheritance, Association, Aggregation and Composition in C#

In this article we will try to understand how to implement relationships in c-sharp using object oriented principles like inheritance, association, aggregation and composition with a simple example and explanation using c-sharp.

What is a constructor in c# and list types of constructors in C#?

In this article we have explained what is a constructor and listed different types of constructors with each example using c#

Implementing Interface in C# with an example

This article covers about interface, advantages of using an interface, various foms of implementing interface and with a simple example of an interface in c#.

OOPS Principle - Polymorphism in C# with an example

In this article i have explained about polymorphism and types of polymorphism with a simple example using c sharp

OOPS Principle - Inheritance in C# with an example

In this article i have tried to cover everything about inheritance, types of inheritance with an simple real time example using c#

OOPS Principle - Encapsulation in C# with an example

Encapsulation is a simple way of approach to display necessary methods or properties and hiding important methods or properties. In article we have covered encapsulation using csharp with an example and explanation.

Explain the copy and private constructor with an example in C#

In this article we have explained you about private constructor and copy constructor and their usages with an example in c#

Types of Access Modifiers in C#

In this article we have explained about access modifiers and their respective types like private, public, protected, internal and protected internal with an example

Difference Between Array and Array List in C#

In this article we talk about Difference Between Array and Array List in Csharp with definition and declaration

How to Create and Initialize Jagged Arrays using C#

In this article or section it is been explained about jagged in c# with definition and creation and initialization process jagged arrays using csharp.

Try, Catch and Finally Blocks in C#

In this article i have covered error handlers i.e. Try, Catch and Finally Blocks using C#.